What are 10 tips to improve sleep?

                                Increase your sleep quality

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What are 10 tips to improve sleep?

Hii all my friends my name is  DJ and  today we talk about sleep and this blog is very important for you if we at the basisi of science good quality sleep will change your life. Your brain power will increase your fat loss also increase this not a clickbait and nonsense talk this the fact.

A study occurs in howard in a university lab make two groups of people and give them caloric deficit diet means less calorie diet weight loss diet they were told that your weight is definitely gonna loss because we give you caloric deficit diet plan. they tell one group that you daily you have to sleep minimum more than 7 hours and to second group they tell you don't have to sleep more than 6 hour means one group get more sleep and another get less sleep. Then what the result the result is both group get loss their weight because they have given caloric deficit diet plan but the group who get more sleep their weight loss is more than 50 percent comparing to another group. Group two get muscles loss and group when loss his fat the sleep cause their fat loss and this is the power of sleep. Quality of sleep increase your fat loss and sleep also increase your brain power.

If you sleep daily comfortably your neuron pattern get fire more fast your thought process becomes faster you can do your wrok more efficiently and this is your free supplement you buy expensive supplements ,ayurvedic medicine you think if you eat them your brain power will increase don't focus on food and supplements focus on quality sleep so i will tell some trocs to increase your quality sleep.

  1. Trick one is eat at least 2 hour before sleeping you have to sleep empty stomach this have many benefits the first benefit is when you eat your digestive system will activate and the blood will move to your digestive system but  that oxygen in your blood is needed for your brain and body repair. When you and wake up you feel high energy level up why it fill because you body get full of oxygen but if you eat before sleeping all oxygen in blood go to digestive system and your sleep quality get low if you want quality sleep in your life you have to sleep empty stomach. If you feel hungry then eat a spoon of ghee it will remove your hunger and if don't eat ghee then have a glass of water with lime squeezed in it. 

  2. If you do exercise or jogging change time do 3-4 hours before your bedtime if it possible because exercise increases your body temperature for better sleep keep your body temperature low 

  3. If you want bath before sleep don't bath with hot water because again your body temperature will increase and you have low body temperature for better sleep and if you want to increase your sleep quality you have to bath with cold water or lukewarm water 

  4. Keep your phone away 1 hour before sleeping because of the light from your phone ruins your sleep quality beacuse your hormonal system get affected see we are living in 2023 but our hormonal system living in since hundred crore year before because that time we became human beings because of that our hormonal system is light base if your body feels that sunrise then your body release less melatonin ( hormone that increase your sleep quality) so you have to stay away from light before 1 hour before sleeping 

  5. Like you keep your phone away like that before sleeping at night stay away from light your room have blackout lighting put blinds over your windows avoid brightly lit places 1 hour before sleeping it increases your sleep quality

  6. Like you keep away from light before sleep like that stay away from sound sleep in a silent room. If your ac or fan making loud sounds please give it a solution or you sleep in another or fix your ac and fan. Keep your environment surroundings quiet and peaceful.

  7. Don't sleep without a fan or air-conditioner because fan or ac keep your body temperature low and from low temperature your sleep quality will increase. So  sleep in a cool environment keep your room cool. If you wake up in the morning because of the heat, get a solution to this immediately. It will low your sleep quality.

  8. Stay away from stimulants, smoking and caffeine if smoke more cigarette or drink tea or coffee especially at night it will low your sleep quality please stay away from stimulants, and from smoking you don't have to do it definitely and if caffeine do not have tea or coffee at least 4-5 hour before sleeping 

  9. Fix your sleep timings, one day you wake up at 9 o'clock another day 10 o clock keep a fix time for waking up. Because of fixing of timing your body again get a cycle. When your body get system or cycle your sleep will increase if you wake up daily at 9 o'clock then you get a hunger of sleep at 11 or 12 because your timing is fix.

  10. Sterr before sleeping don't take any tensions don't think about your another day stress, life stress , relationship stress and thinking about this thing their sleep get away. when you are sleeping focus on only one thing the thing is moment only think about that moment stay only in that moment not another think 

So this is our today blog if get help please share it to your friends and family thanks for visiting.


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