How do i start my weight loss journey?


You search on google ,youtube  weight loss tips , weight loss tips at home , weight loss exercise, weight loss tips for girls, weight loss food now you don't have to search this things today i am gonna tell you 3 genuine simple weight loss tips if you implement in your you 100 percent you can lose your weight.

How do i start my weight loss journey?

Lets start ,

1 . The first tip is you don't have to follow diet plans you do some small changes in your life slowly  you can get a big change in your life. Most people go on google youtube and search what to eat in breakfast what to eat in lunch what to eat in dinner but the truth is instead of  diet plan like big change you have to change some small changes in your life and diet you can get more benefit in long term your weight journey your weight loss fight get easy. So your first change you have to do is you have to know  what is the baddest food in your whole day meal you have to remove that food first. We have also certified weight loss trainer first thing the weight loss trainer give people to remove sugar from their diet. the benefit of removing sugar is you not only remove sugar from your diet you remove refine wheat floor (maida)  also and butter also because you see that whatever dessert or food contain sugar they also contain butter and refine floor also like biscuit, sweets, pastry if remove this things from your life from your diet your weight loss starts. Remember this instead of making diet plan you have to change small thing in your diet the first you have to remove sugar completely from your life. If you need.sugar with your tea , coffee you can use 1-2 spoon a day no problem its  okk but mostly desserts , pastries , biscuit remove completely from your life your weight loss starts immediately .

So this our first tip you have to remove sweets, desserts, soft drinks like Pepsi, Coco cola remove it remove sugar, many people thinks that remove sugar from life is very difficult so I'm gonna tell to those people when you need sugar you eat instead of sugar some protein source like egg, paneer, soya chunks , chiken, dal you can eat any of these 5 things this things are made up of protein and protein fill the stomach quickly of your stomach is full then your need of sugar is remove from your mind. So when you wish of eating sugar instead of sugar you eat protein source.

2.  So second tip is like in first tip we learn that we have to remove sugar from our life like that some foods we don't have to remove some thing but less them in our life. So the first thing is about hotel food the people who make hotel food they use lots of oil for making tasty food. that oils which use for making food tasty they are bad quality oils that oils are not healthy for your body. Second thing you have to eat less is kachori, chewerda ,sev and roadside food who sells in package you have to eat them less. That foods which are fried in oil you have less them from your diet. The benefit of this is when you less the oil fried food from your diet you also less the oil from your body when oil is less in tour body the body loose calories and when calories lose you lose immediately wheight.

So first thing you have to remove sugar from your life and second thing outside food and fried food less eat them okk. But you have to remember that which thing i tell you that you have to remove slolwy not immediately because why you weight gain because you eat daily junk food so you you have to slowly remove this things from your life not immediately . In first month only remove sugar and in second month remove outside food and fried foods. 

3.  The third tip is if you really want to lose weight you don't have to go gym but you have daily active your body you have to daily do some exercises, or 10-20 minutes jog and the best thing is you can join gym learn all about gym and your weight loss journey finish immediately  but in this blog we are talking about easy tips and the easy tip is do daily some small exercises. Remember that doing thing is much better than doing nothing. In your life you have to change this thing remove sugar, eat less fried and outside food and do small exersis Daily.

And last tip is if learn more about weight loss and fitness come our site daily fitness zoro 

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