What are best fitness tips?

                    3 most important fitness tips 

What are best fitness tips?

Fitness tips for daily routine, fitness tips for men , fitness tips for women , fitness tips for beginners, fitness tips for weight loss you ask this type of questions.so today I am gonna tell you about health and fitness but not in boring way. Your health should be like in 20 years ahead, in 40 yaad ahead you should have such health and in 60 years ahead what you have to do keep your body fit how in simple way. Today i will give you same guidelines and in this blog at also talk about mental health and men's emotional health. What is men's emotional health? Mens emotional health is what I'm your heart and how much you have pain in your heath and how much happiness in your heart. This it's emotional health.

but we first task about physical health. Physical body, skin hair, sexual health.

1 . “So first thing is taking care of your physical health is an important as gain spiritual health".

People always say you have to do yoga you have to go running you have to do swimming. The only thing you have only attention on movement keep your body active through any means possible and you also enjoy them you know why people stop thier fitness habits because they did not enjoy it. 

So you have to choose that tyoe of fitness habit where you enjoy. Choose an activity that vibes with your inner child for mine is football because i focus on mine teammates,ball, it helps like meditation and also have to run a lot that give wheight loss, fat loss, Hain stamina. I also do weight training because of weight training you can look good sexy.

To can also do yoga what are the benifit of yoga and weight training in long term benifit your bones get strong. When you get aged after 30,40,50 your homes density detertorates with age. because of this many player sures slow after some age so you have to delay it. You can do yoga and weight training or gives benifit to your physical health, mental health, sexual health your face skin and hair health.

Tc you do atleast 2-1 times a week is enough for your body but you have to focus on your movement you can do dance, walking, jogging, swimming but you have to do regularly.

2 . How people got fatty how people get unfit. Because of one time easy junk food one time skip workout no because of routine a routine can make it break your fitness.

Today daily habits and routines bulid up your life-long growth. In today how people get fat because of food delivery apps. Junk food is easily available at the touch of a button. You have to learn how to tell no to your own self.

Don't give it to every craving satisfying every wrong craving build in healthy habits for life.

3 . Ignore the scales this is very old school's mentality like what! My weight is today this tomorrow what! Don't do this. You know what is new school fitness tell routines are King. Daily fitness related task for your own you have to maintain your career also with tak list you have to make task list like in breakfast i have to eat this for lunch this for dinner this. At that time i have to do movement is exersise .

One more thing you will make zero progress of your don't di your routine. You can do cheat meals you can make in week a chest day like Sunday in chest day you can eat any thing but after cheat day Monday to Saturday you don't have to touch them.

So this is our today Blog if you need this type blog at post daily come and visit our site fitness zoro thanks for coming.

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