Which food is best for weight gain?

          5 best healthy food to gain weight fast 

Which food is best for weight gain?

Weight gaining food at home. Weight gaining foods for adults, weight gaining foods for kids you ask this type of questions.

Gaining weight for some people is as difficult as losing weight like others.

Today I am gonna tell you 5 best weight gaining foods you can add in your meal for gaining weight fast.

Let's start

1 .  Protein smoothies homemade 

Home made protein smoothies is highly nutritious.

Here some recipes :

Chocolate banana nut shake : 1 scoop of chocolate whey protein, 1 banana, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and milk .

Caramel apple shake : 1 cup of yogurt, 1 scoop of caramel whey protein, 1 apple and milk 

Super green shake : 1 avacado , 1 cup spinach , 1 banana,1cup of pineapple whey protein and also you can use other flavours and milk 

2 .   Nuts and nut butter

One small handful of almond ¼ cups contain 170 calories, 4 grams of fiber 6 grams of protein and 15 gram of fat .

Nuts are calorie dense, just two handful daily eat like snack give hundred of calories.

Since nuts and nut butter are perfect choice to gain wheight.

Nut butter you can add in different types of dishes types of dishes , smoothies,snacks  and you can gain weight.make sure you pick 100 percent nut butter with no added extra oils and sugar.

3 .  Milk 

You can use milk to add more muscle it provides good balance of proteins, carbs , fat and lot amount of calcium.

It is an excellent protein source that provide casein and whey proteins.

It can help you to add muscle ehwn combined with weightlifting.

One two glasses per day can give 149 calories per cup. You can drink it like snack or with any meal.

4 .  Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate with at least 70 percent cacao provide a ton of antioxidants and health benefits also it helps to regulate stress hormone and blood sugar levels.

Dark chocolate had a very high calories Density like other high foods.

Its very easy to get many calories.

Each 100 gram contain around 600 calories. You can enjoy dark chocolate in many ways or you can eat straight. You can make choclate dessert like chocolate peanut butter avocado pudding.

4 . Rice is very low cost carb source to help to gain weight. 1 cup cooked rice can give 200 calorie around 43 grams of carbs and small amount of fat.

You can easily obtain a high amount  of carbs and calories specially if you have less money you can add rice in your meal.

Rice dish and become a whole meal rice and chicken for a healthy lunch. 400 calories per serving and it is easy to consume and digest.

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