Weight loss mistakes begginers make

                               Fat loss mistakes 

Weight loss mistakes begginers make

Hello guys my name is DJ and you are at fitness zoro

Many people ask if they are also doing fat loss but they don't get any results or at any point their fat loss is stuck. So in this post I will tell you a total of 6 fat loss mistakes you really need to avoid in your fat loss journey. Let's start.

Fat burning mistakes ,

Worst fat loss mistakes ,

After much research and my personal experience I will tell you these six mistakes you don't have to make. So our first mistake is Cardio yes yes i know how Cardio is a mistake because of these you lose fat. But the mistake is realing to much in cardio. Let's get over this cardio is not equal to fat loss. Cardio is such a tool which helps in fat loss. You don't have to run 1 hour in the park at the beginning of your fat loss. Except cardio if you are in your calorie deficit diet then you don't need any cardio. 

 5 common fat loss mistakes ,

Common fat loss mistakes ,

Our next mistake is Not tracking your calories. This is very common and basic mistake we do in our fat loss journey. You have heard that we don't know how to calculate calories. We only eat by my idea! Then this is the mistake if you eat without any tracking of calories than at any point your weight loss will stop and then you get confused what will i do. This the reason of many people they don't consistent in their fat loss. You have to start tracking your calories from the beginning of the fat loss journey and please don't get me wrong but you don't have to track 1-1 gram like a pro bodybuilder then at least you have an idea like 100 gram of rice 20 gram of soya etc. So please start tracking your calories because ‘what you can measure. Is what you can manage'. Please use kitchen weighing scale buy if you don't have because without that this information of tracking is useless this 200-300 rupees weighing scale it can make your fat loss and fitness journey in a next level.

Now let's talk about the next mistake which is Dropping calories quickly. This mistake many people make in the beginning of their fat loss journey. This is a very big mistake that I also make. In the excitement of fat loss you drop many calories in the beginning. It start fat loss very fast but at a point your metabolism adapt that calories then your fat loss stop then you are at 1500- 1400 calories than you have to less the calories 1300 or you have to a high intensive cardio daily because of that you feel demotivated and frustrated and you leave the fat loss journey. So you have to start from dropping 200 hundred calories. You get slowly but casually change because of that you feel happy and motivated. 

Weight loss mistakes to avoid ,

The next mistake is the workout routine. After fat loss how people get thin their mind “ i have to do cut i have to change my workout!'' Many people ask me that this workout is for gaining or fat loss. Please remember this irrespective if you are gaining or losing your workout routine and intensity is always the same always. Only the changes came in our diet. When we do bulking we eat in calorie surplus and at the time of cutting we eat in calorie deficit. Now discuss one more mistake. Please don't follow a pro split train every muscle 2 times a week. This has two benefits 1 you can retain your muscles more and 2 your fat loss process gets faster. And make sure your protein intake is proper and please at least 2.2 grams of protein per kg / body weight you have to consume because of that your body can retain more and more muscles.

Now our next mistake is setting unrealistic goals. We at the beginning of our fat loss set unrealistic goals or limits. Like in one month I have to drop 10 kg just because you see anyone who does it. Fat loss and muscle gain work differently in every person's body. So please set realistic goals and gradually make changes in your diet and cardio instead of comparing yourself to others. 

So let's come to our last mistake which is supplement or fat burners. Listen this thing if you want to take fat burners you want to take steroids then take it but before taking them check these points first. if you are tracking calories and you are in deficit, you are taking proper protein daily , you are tracking your weight daily, and you are sleeping 7-9 hours daily check these points and then if you don't get fat loss then you give me a fat burner i will give you money. But seriously if your these points are checked then you will get results and you don't need any fat burners. This is not the problem of fat burners and steroids, this is the problem of our patience and consistency. Because of that we chase shortcuts instead of working for it. 

So this is our today information if  you like this post share it with your friends and family and for more visit our site 👇


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