How can i lose weight in 7 days at home?

      Best fast weight loss workout at home            

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How can i lose weight in 7 days at home

Hello guys my name is DJ and today we gonna talk about best fat loss workout for both men and women easy fat loss done at home. So friends your life ultimate fat loss secret is easiest and best fat loss exercise and combination of resistance training + cardio training .

You know I help many people in their weight loss journey and the life biggest weight loss secret is this. Obviously I don't talk about diet today only we talk about exercise. The best fat loss exercise is resistance training + occasional cardio.

So lets breakdown this sentence first we talk about cardio what is cardio? Cardio is a type of workout where you Workout your heart , you exert your body this exertence can be running , swimming, skipping, cricket, football any sport or dancing also can be and walking also a cardio exercise. In cardio basically your body get full exercise but the focus is on the Heart. This means doing this exercise you increase your heartbeat you increase your blood circulation and because of that calories get burned off from your body. Ok let's talk about one more scientific thing if you really have to lose fat you have to do one thing is your calorie is out is more than your calorie in this means in day what exercise are you doing in that you have to burn your calories and when you from that thing calories get in your body. Calories is an energy packet when you eat food you getting more energy packet in your body and when you doing exercises you take out energy packet from your body and when you swimming, running, walking then you take out that energy packet from your body. if burn more calories and and consumed less calories than you get weight loss your fat get lose, what is fat? Fat is a collection of this energy packets if in your life you consumed high energy packets you eat dessert , junk food , hotel food .there are many energy packet in your body and doing cardio you take out that energy packets and burn that fat also ok this golden rule is clear basically you take out calories from your body when you doing cardio you exert your body your body temperature get high during that process you burn calories. This is called active burn of calories this means when you doing that exercise you burn calories and this a very good method of burning calories. When the uncles aged people says i am very fit i am going at walk every day they are also using cardio to burn their calories to lose their weight.

But interesting thing is that when you're doing cardio exercise this not the best thing to lose weight. The key point of this blog is for your weight loss the best exercise is resistance training plus little bit of cardio. So less talk about resistance training, what is resistance training? Resistance training is one of these exercises we talking about weight training, calisthenics and yoga, in the form of this 3 exercises we doing giving load to our muscles. Suppose that i pick up a dumble i pick ups from my hands because of that a load is get to my biceps when the biceps get load inside of biceps the tiny tiny biceps cell breaks and get damage not getting that much damage you get injured no small damages it get microtear because of weight training and the most interesting thing is when you giving microtears to your muscles the. Your burn the calories active calories get burn when you lifting that weight obviously you need calories to pickup that weight when you lifting weight obviously your calories get burn but in your body you get microtears and this microtears is many interesting because to repair microtears it takes upto 48 hours means after two days also your microtears are repairing that time calories burn while repairing microtears. We call this passive burn of calories means there are two types of burn 1 active burn and 2 is passive burn. means when you lifting dumbbell doing push ups or yoga asanas the your calorie is definitely gonna burn but after that a passive burn is also start for repair compare that to cardio in cardio only get active burn one time you give your heart workout in heart no microtears get because of microtears no microtears get there only on active burn get but in weight training or another resistance training time you cause active burn and after that you also get passive burn. Means if you have to lose your weight very fast you have to get in shape and build your muscles and look sexy then what you have to do is resistance training if you do little bit cardio with resistance training means you follow world best fat loss work out but you have to remember one thing i tell you that gym joining is not necessary but if you join the gym or join a yoga class and with that you do a little bit cardio.  suppose 1-2 time a week cardio and 3-4 time resistance training that will be the fastest weight method. 

So this is our today blog do this thing and you can get weight loss and share with your friends they also gte help from this thanks for visiting.

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