How can I increase my height in 7 days?

       How to increase your height

How can I increase my height in 7 days?

Hey guys my name is DJ and you are at fitness zoro

So let's talk about height. Height is basically 75 percent depends on genetics and 25 percent depends on other factors. Means if your parents are tall then your height will be tall , if your parents are short then your height will be short. Basically our height grows at the age of 20 years. This is our puberty age in which hormonal changes take place , testosterone automatically their growth tak place and our body develops. Our height basically depends on our parents and our ancestors But 1 other way is also to grow your is the other 25 percent. If you follow these factors,tips i am going to then there are high chances in 1 month your will increase ½ -1 inch if your age is under 20 and at last of this post i will tell you how to increase the height of 20+ people.

How to increase height as a teenager ,

How to increase height for girls ,

Let's talk about other factors. Among other factors the first thing is nutrition.

Our body is like a car and nutrition is like oil giving to car like that if you provide your body good nutrition then your body growth increases.The most important nutrition for height is milk, what is in milk? In milk there is calcium, protein and in milk the most important thing is calcium. Calcium helps our bones to grow, milk is the one of the best sources, you have to drink it in the morning before Breakfast and you have to drink it at night after dinner because your bones grow more and more. The second food is eggs in egg. There are 6 essential amino acids , 6 grams of protein in one egg ,  and one of the cheapest sources is  egg. It provides you with high quality protein. Why protein is important? If you don't go to the gym or do exercise then also for growing the protein is important. For good nutrition we need good protein, good carbs, and good fat then our nutrition becomes good, protein is needed for all over development of our body. 

The number third food is spinach (palak) . In spinach (palak) there is fiber , low fat , B12 vitamin A, B,C  is there. Basically spinach (palak) is very important for our height so these are 3 food According to me, are the best for your height growth.  Milk (calcium) , eggs ( protein) , spinach ( vitamins and fiber). So these are nutrition before 20 years and after 20 years in your full life this is important. 

How to increase height naturally ,

How to increase height in 1 month ,

Now let's talk about which exercises your height will increase.

First is cycling, cycling is the sport which helps you to increase your height. The second thing is sprinting. I am not talking about running. What is sprinting?  olympics or marathon you saw them like usain bolt , in the category of spring you see all the man physique they are very heighted, because they do sprinting, sprinting means you have to launch your body, the muscles and tissue will activate when you do sprinting. And the third sport is rope skipping, which is very important for you. From rope skipping our body the muscles tissues of our body get opened our bones get opened our body get heat up and these are scientifically proven skipping, cycling,and sprinting are one of the best exercises for your growth of height.

How to increase height after 18 , 

How to increase height after 21 , 

How to increase height after 25  ,

 I tell you about nutrition and exercises for height growth not let's talk about after the age of 20 how can you increase your height. So you have to understand that the most important thing about your posture is how you stand. All people have different posture. When you stand in straight posture compared to a bend posture your height look like increase 1-2 inch. Your spins is bend downward if you correct your posture then your spine get straight the your back get log and your height look like increase. Then how you can correct your posture the first exercise is hanging you can hang in any pole or something, and the second exercise is stretching this is very important exercises because of stretching your bone will open and get free and the third exercise is toe touching so these three exersise you can do for correct you posture.

So this is our today post if you like then share with your friends and family and for more this type of post visit our site 👇


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