Can i make body without gym ?

                     How to make body at home 

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Can i make body without gym ?

Hello guys i am your friend DJ

How to make fit body at home i am not telling become a bodyguard but make your body looking good fit and fine. Some people don't have money to go gym someone don't have time to go gym but you have in our heart and mind to have a fit and muscular body. If you are skinny then you have to gain some weight with muscular body if you are fat than you have lose some weight and gain muscles this all thing solution today i am gonna tell you in this blog so kets start.

The first fitness golden rule is your full decide from what is decided from your diet you exersise your gym only give a path to your body. Suppose if you follow any exercise routine like weight training, sports, yoga only you are giving your body a road and telling hey body walk in this road nad grew up in this road but diet is more important than exercise your body look decide 80 percent because of diet and only 20 percent because of exercise but that not meant that inactive your body bro you have to active your body from remembering that things these are some golden rules of diet we talk about exercise also but first talk about diet.


1 . Focus on protein i am telling you every time meat, fish ,nuts , eggs , dal , sattu ,  beans , soya chunks, from this things you get protein. So remember this you should have at least one portion of protein in your every meal and about

2 .  carbs and grains what you have to eat is clean grains means brown , rive wheat , sattu and about

3 .  Little bit fat your fat sources also have to clean eat nuts , eggs and for oil coconut oil, ghee this fats are healthy for your body 

So these are our diet rule if you only follow this diet rules then definitely your body will get fit and if you have to make muscular body tha you have to learn about exercise importance of home work out.

And about exercise at home then there are levels of home workout you have to know about these levels first level

1 . Complete inactivity doing no active only focusing in diet your body wil get in a little bit good shape but you will not look full sexy your belly fat will loss your man boobs will loss if you are under weight and eat more protien the you will become in little bit shape if you have to look sexy and muscular than you have to know about activity level. Level 0 is inactivity means only focusing on diet and 

2 . Level one is basic activity means simple daily exercises liking walking or instead of using lift use stare going anywhere without takin taxi these are your daily activities you have to do more these daily activities in your life in your life put these activities like spices in your life this is our level and 

3 . Our level two is sports playing explosive sports like football , basketball , tennis where you move your body in every direction from this thing your joints also get work your muscular system also get work 

Your nervous system also get work and your bones get strong if you see old time football players you see they have sexy body and muscular body in those time people don't do any weight training and if you compare old football players to old cricket player you see that cricket player don't have any muscular sexy body and fit body because cricket is  non explosive sport. Choose a sport that involves explosive movements. 

4 . Level 3 is free body exercises combined with sports if you do some yoga or doing some resistance training or free body training or you lift some dumbles this is our 3 level what benifit you get from this i always tell you that the best fitness maker is resistance training with combined with cardio you get cardio from your sports running here and there , swimming, dancing but you get resistance training when your body is pushing some weight this can be your wheight in yoga or your weight in free training and it can be exernal weight in resistance training because of these thing your body get resistance your muscles fight with resistance beacuse of this fight your muscles wil grow.

5 . Our next level is weight training plan if you have to make body at home and don't want to go gym take dumbles at your home yes dumbbells are little bit expensive but if you buy one time then it will stay for langer period 20 30 years you can use it. What is the benifit to buy dumbles?   There are benifits bro if tou do only free body exercises you only target the big muscles like chest , back,  legs you can train them but what about small mucsle group if you have to Target small muscle groups you have to use dumbles if you don't need dumbles then you go can use bag fill the bag with books and lift it and if you don't want to lift bag the you Can i make body without gym ? can use bricks but many peoples from you think where can i learn this things then listen my bro and sis in this website i will train home workout i post blogs for home work out and i posted one home workout before this you can that blog from CLICKING HERE ok.

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