4 truths about mental health
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So guyys I am your friend DJ
So today blog is a bit different and a bit serious in this website we talk about physical health and fitness but in today blog we talk about mental health so lets start,
In my life also very mental health issue came because of family school college so today i am telling you some experience and gow to face it.
India have a one wrong thing but our country is great remember this but one wrong thing is about india is we don't talk about mental health very often. Suppose in your life habe any pain any trauma you feel depressed you don't share this type of thing with people's you think tha why i will share this what they will do with this information they will judge me , laugh at me No . The things you are facing in this world you have to learn from this things, so beacuse of this i am gonna tell you in blog about mental and depression also.
First thing you have know this clinical depression and “feeling depressed " this two things are different, clinical depression is a problem of your body this a hormonal problem in this your body don't have the capability of producing feel good hormone for clinical depression you don't need any trigger means any feeling you feel pain sadness don't need to be a clinical depressed this can cause anyone the baddest thing of this is you never know who is suffering from clinical depression. if he stand in front of you then also you can't find that he is clinical depressed they are smiling with you but they are depressed from inside this is very serious thing. If you think that you're suffering from clinical depression you need profesional help , from searching in youtube,google , instagram you can't learn any thing about clincal depression you need a professional help.
Many time people saying i ma feeling depressed i am feeling low , when we talk about mental health issues people talking about this thing in their life any trauma occurred like breakup , failure, rejection any one die in his family or in social life beacuse of this thing we feel sad get mental health issues in our life , so lets talk about 4 important thing that you have to know about it.
1 . if you think that you're also having any mental issues then you should talk about it with someone they can be your friends or family or your mentor but you have any person in your life to talk about this thing without embarrassing without fear you can talk openly this type of person. Sadness is like a 100 kilo dumbbell if you alone lifting that dumble it is very difficult for you of 100 kilo dumbbell you lift with your friends, family or mentor it will easy for you, and one more thing you get one more benefit from this what is a human nature learning lessons from other peoples life there is a quote “ 3 basic in lives are food , shelter and story telling ". Food, shelter clothes and a story of any person life it will help you give you motivation. You are facing any thing in your life before you anyone also face same thing so remember this.
If you share with this others the you can lift that weight easily and second benifit you will get some motivation/solution from their stories. Any problem any it can be financial problem , personal life or relationship problem can be. All problems have a solution that you can learn from others.
2 . Many time the thoughts in our mind running from here to there you are analysing all problems. And one more thing about india is all peoples are smart if you go anywhere in world people always say that indian are very smart people but the sad thing is if in your life have any negative influence like drugs , alcohol , wrong diet ,and most importantly is wrong company means wrong friends their mindsets are wrong thay tyoe of peoples. And the worst thing is consuming wrong content wrong blog websites, youtube channels and social media from this your mind negativity will increase. Which peoples you have to talk your close friends, family, mentor that peoples who know you from a very long time you have share your pain to them but these others influencer negative freinds, negative people , negative content creators, negative habits like drugs , smoking weeds , drinking alcohol this things are in youth using to much. Avoid getting negative influence stay away from this things.
3 . Physical health if we talk about mental health then we have to talk about physical health. Whenever you do exercise your body get in a bit shock mode then your body response your body release dopamine and endofine feel good hormone and dopamine ia your rewarding hormone. From daily exercise your body release daily those positive hormone. And remember this i am not telling you that all mental health issues finish from doing exercises but definitely in the battle of your mental health issues you can win through good physical fitness the possibility is more.
4 . Final point is meditation i am repeating this that meditation is not the solution of mental health but in the battle this will help you in winning beacuse meditation have a scientific aspect that in your brain a part is their we call it AMYGDALA this part is associated with fear , anxiety , tension, lack of empathy , jealousy ,negative competitiveness this all thing simulates your amygdala that much the amygdala is power full that much these emotions is in your life. Many studies of meditation tell because of daily meditation less the size of amygdala and once the size of your amygdala get small the what is happening in outside world will not effect in your inside world also meditation helps in increasing empathy , focus mentor stamina remember this ok. So these tmare the things do in your life 1 talk , 2 cut off negatives , 3 exercises, 4, meditation, 5 seek help it will defently finish the mental issues.
Ok so this our today blog if you like this share with your friends and for thia type of more health and fitness blog visit our site